The study of the earth's changing magnetic field at geological and societal time scales, especially through the analysis of remnant magnetism in rocks and human artifacts.
The study of how the landscape changes over time, particularly by using geochemical techniques, fieldwork and remote sensing.
The study of how the the landscape changes over time, particularly by using geochemical techniques, fieldwork, and remote sensing.
Instruments and systems used to measure and monitor changes in the earth, from seismometers to strainmeters, satellites to infrasound arrays.
Using radioactive isotope systems to determine the age and origins of minerals and rocks, primarily as tracers of magmatic processes and the evolution of the earth.
Understanding the oceans' geomorphology, sedimentation, stratigraphy, volcanism, structural geology, tectonics and geological history and the forces that affect them.
Researching how earth's climate changed in past eras by studying ocean sediment cores, ice cores and other scientific evidence.
The ANZA network monitors Southern California earthquakes.
The collection holds about 7,500 deep ocean cores, more than 3,500 deep-sea dredges, approximately 40,000 slides of marine microfossils in the main rock and core collections and about 10,000 samples of rocks and fossils in the teaching collection.
The role of the Geological Data Center at Scripps Institution of Oceanography is to archive and provide access to oceanographic data, particularly from SIO vessels. Launched initially by Bill Menard, the GDC has been operating for more than 40 years. While many historic physical artifacts are carefully preserved, the current emphasis is on digital archiving in coordination with other national and international programs.
The main function of the Scripps Paleomagnetic Laboratory is to analyze the magnetic properties of rocks. This is done with the purpose of deciphering the ancient geomagnetic field to aid geological research.
Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (OPAC) researches, analyzes and archives geodetic and seismic data to study earthquakes and tsunamis, tectonic plate motion and structural monitoring.
The US Array project deployed a series of portable broadband seismic stations across the continental United States from 2004 to 2015. The stations were deployed for approximately two years, starting in 2004 on the western side of the United States. After that, the network migrated eastward, reusing components from previously deployed stations.
Professor, Geology and Geophysics
Neal Driscoll researches tectonic deformation and the evolution of landscapes and seascapes. His work primarily focuses on the sediment record to understand the processes that shaped the earth. As part of this research, Driscoll spends time at sea acquiring images of the seafloor and subsurface layers to understand the processes that shape Earth.
Professor Geophysics in the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Co-Director of Scripps Polar Center
Helen Amanda Fricker studies ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland and their role in the climate system. She uses a combination of satellite radar and laser altimetry, and other remote-sensing data to understand ice sheet processes. She is widely recognized for her discovery of active subglacial lakes. She has shown that these lakes form dynamic hydrologic systems. She is also known for her innovative research into Antarctic ice shelves processes such as iceberg calving and basal melting and freezing.
Professor, Geophysics
Jeffrey Gee’s research focuses on the use of magnetic data, both remotely sensed magnetic anomaly data and the magnetization of rock samples, to understand various geological problems. He uses the magnetic record in geological samples to study topics ranging from the formation of new crust at oceanic spreading centers to the processes of melt redistribution and cooling in large magma chambers. Gee is particularly interested in using marine magnetic anomaly data and complementary data from seafloor samples to document past fluctuations in geomagnetic intensity.
Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Jeff Severinghaus’ current research interests center on using trapped bubbles of gases contained in ice cores to track changes in ancient climate.
Associate Professor, Geosciences; Director, Scripps Cosmogenic Isotope Laboratory
Jane Willenbring uses geochemical tools, such as cosmogenic nuclides, to study the evolution of the earth’s surface, especially how landscapes are affected by tectonics, climate change and life.