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Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research

Our climate change research falls into four broad themes: Climate Science and Impacts, Adaptation and Solutions, Policy and Climate Justice. Interdisciplinary research occurs across each theme through research centers and research areas.

Climate Science and Impacts

Informed by hard sciences, researchers predict humanity’s impact on weather, oceans, poles, land and sea ecosystems, plant and animal biology and human health.

Climate Science and Impacts

Adaptation and Solutions

From alternative energy to psychology, researchers offer climate change mitigation strategies and the foundation of the social sciences so crucial to adaptation.

Adaptation and Solutions


Researchers study the interactions between governments and other influences such as industry, nonprofits and multinational organizations to support policy decisions.


Climate Justice

From the perspective of applied ethics and philosophy, researchers assess climate change impacts on vulnerable populations and advocate for equitable climate action.

Climate Justice

Research Areas

Our climate research happens across campus in numerous disciplines and departments in 22 different research areas. We've provided more specifics on these vital areas, including research centers, featured researchers and academic opportunities.

Research Areas

Research Centers and Featured Initiatives

UC San Diego's interdisciplinary research approach is supported through official research units and centers. Learn more about the research of our 17 climate change-related centers and other featured campuswide initiatives.

Research Centers and Featured Initiatives